Activities 2018

  1. Preplanning of a biogas plant in Argentinia
  1. Consulting for the flexibilization of an existing biogas plant in Germany
  2. Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (module 3/ technical guideline for handling of hazardous materials 529)
  3. Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (module 3/ explosion safety document)
  4. Change in permit to building law an existing biogas plant in Germany
  5. Approval application for flexibilization of an existing biogas plant in Germany
  6. Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (module 3/ explosion safety document)
  7. Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (module 3/ explosion safety document)
  8. Extension of an existing biogas plant by a new satelite CHP in Germany
  9. Approval planning for extension of a biogas plant in Germany
  10. Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (module 13/ technical guideline for the handling of hazardous materials 529)
  11. Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (module 13/ technical guideline for the handling of hazardous materials 529)
  1. Preplanning of a biogas plant in Ireland
  1. Operator servicefor a biogas plant in Japan
The Netherlands
  1. Extension of an existing biogas plant in the Netherlands and support with approval planning