Argentina | - Operator service for a biogas plant in Argentina
- Extension of an existing biogas plant in Argentina by a new second digester and a further CHP plant
China | - Complete a biogas plant in China with a new installation of a desulphurisation plant
Germany | - Compilation of a permit notification: Additional substrate (Germany)
- Compilation of a due diligence report for a biogas plant in Germany
- Extension of a biogas plant in Germany (two co-generator)
- Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (modul 5/ incident management)
- Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (modul 5/ incident management)
- Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (modul 13/ complitation fire fighting plan)
- Extension of a biogas plant in Germany (drying system)
- Compilation of a permit application for the extension of a biogas plant in Germany (2 co-generator and heat accumulator)
- Compilation of a permit application for the extention of a biogas plant in Germany (satellite co-generator and gasholder)
- Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (modul 3/ explosion safety document)
- Operator servive for a biogas plant in Germany (modul 3/ explosion safety document)
- Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (modul 3/ 13 explosion safety document and Compilation fire fighting plan)
- Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (modul 3/ 13 explosion safety document and Compilation fire fighting plan)
- Technical advice on upgrading the secondary digester of a biogas plant in Germany
- Operator service for a biogas plant in Germany (modul 2 hazard assessment; modul 3 explosion safety, modul 8 functional safety (SIL))
- Extension of an existing biogas plant with activated carbon filter and oxidation catalyst in Germany
Great Britain | - Complete engineering and construction of an industriell waste (kitchen waste) biogas plant in UK.Basic evaluation, pre-draft- and execution planning, participating in contract awarding process, site management/project controlling, documentation, start-up
Japan | - Exchange the co-generator, supervision and start-up of a biogas plant in Japan
- Construction of a biogas plant in Japan, detail planning, supervision and start-up
Nigeria | - Preplaning of a biogas plant in Nigeria
Russia | - Operator service for a biogas plant in Russia (modul 1 biological support)
Ukraina | - Inspection and design of a biogas plant in the Ukraine