Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure: Successful for 10 years in the fermentation of sugar beets

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10 years ago, the Netherlands sugar industry turned to Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH. The Suiker Unie faced different challenges in 2011: On the one hand, the increasing taxes for CO2 emissions and, on the other hand, the high energy consumption for drying the dried beet pulp.

Independence - that's where we need to be. Independence from taxes, independence from natural gas. But also, independence from seasons. Our engineers were challenged to design a biogas plant capable of safe, economical and ecological operation 24/7, regardless of the seasonal processing of sugar beet.

Six months later, we designed a solution tailored to the needs of the sugar industry. In short, it ensures all-season sugar beet fermentation, which converts sugar beet into energy. Surplus CNG is fed into the natural gas grid, while digestate is used as fertilizer in agriculture.


For more information don’t miss the video interview with Andreas Krieg and read the full article in Sugar Producer magazine.